Yesterday i got the bad news that my friend SLAM Tcs had left us. He was one of those
instantly likeable characters with a super positive outlook, constant smile and an instiable
appetite for painting steel. I spent a short time in Paris with him, and got busted with him
after a tunnel mission in Berlin, it's a shame i had never got round to visiting him at home,
the Hannover Controller, he was UP, on steel, tracks, rooftop and street.
After a night out with Boms, Intro, Smak, and Myself, 'Geezer' was his new favourite word,
which inspired a 'Geezers' S Train panel that night.
My thoughts go out to his Girlfriend, Family, and friends.
His personal tumblr will keep you busy for hours, and his crew have started a new one to
keep his name, and his interest in sharing his experiences through photo media alive.