Friday, 2 December 2011

Lookin' Back

Looking back at some of the rarer, older issues, we've had some banging fliks.
As ever we need to keep this up, and are nearing the deadline for Issue 7.

So send us your photos! Keep them off the net and get them out there on paper!
Send all photos and stories to 

The plan is, when we reach Issue 10, to put together a collection of all 10 issues into a special
edition publication, issue 1 and 2 were extremely rare yet had some of the best fliks, as we had been 
collecting for many years beforehand, and we still get asked where they are available, so a recap edition
would be perfect, it would be nice to see them in an up-to-date layout and format too,
 just what they deserve. If your a business and would like to support such a publication then get in touch.