Saturday, 27 August 2011

NotGuilty Issue 6 Cover competition.

We're looking for some inspiration for the cover for Issue 6, always left till 
last and often the most difficult part of the whole design process. So i thought
i'd throw it out there and see if anyone of you can come up with something.
Up for grabs is a Bomber Magazine 'Steel for Breakfast' Tee, Bomber Magazine 
Issue 37/38, 3 Copies of Issue 6 with your design, and full credit throughout. 

Take a look at previous covers here, download the logo's here (or use your own/typeface)
Photograph, collage, sketch, typography, its up to you, could be simple, could be complex.
Size specifications need to be 210x297 Landscape A4 with 5mm bleed, and contain the
words 'NotGuilty' and 'Issue 6' (or simply 6). Closing date is Thursday 1st September which is 
just under a week but should only take an hour or 2. Send your entries to

We may or may not decide to use a submitted cover design, and reserve the  right to edit the winning design if necessary. One size tee, but 
can be exchanged for another size in another design if needed. Winning entry will be contacted within 24 hours of deadline.